Friday, July 17, 2009

When you watch way too many sitcoms... make useless observations like this :

How every sitcom has this Quirky Couple Who'll Stick with It Till The End. Like Chandler and Monica (Friends) , Carla and Turk ( Scrubs), Marshall and Lily (HIMYM). And all other characters aspire and hope to end up like them ( but instead are painfully tortured by bad relationships till the end of the series).Random episode begins with all characters having relationship issues including our Quirky Couple. Then as the episode proceeds other characters soon realize that they and their temporary(but shush, we're not supposed to know that yet) gf/bf's are not meant to be with each other, they talk it over and at the end of the day decide to split. By contrast, what happens to our Quirky Couple? but of course, the Wife/Husband(or soon-to-be) understands the reason behind the reason behind the reason why the Husband/Wife set fire to the house and then tried to hid that from her/him.All is forgiven and they return to being their madly-in-love-with-each-ot

her-selves (with the charred house in the background).It's like the writers want to give the viewers hope that all's not lost.Relationships may keep falling apart all around(and need to, to bring in new characters and to keep their ratings up till season XX )but awww look! At least the Quirky Couple's doing fine.

Of course, They can't afford to have a Q.C in a Drama Series - Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy and such- where the writers need to apply careful Permutations and Combinations to determine who sleeps with whom each episode to keep the series going.

Anyhoo, that's about it.Gotta go watch Scrubs :).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Of Wines and Hope.

It's like this.Imagine you have been drinking cheap wines all your life, some better than others but none anything great. Then, one fine morning, life surprises you with this fantastic wine, this deep, red, rich wine. You didn't like the taste at first as it wasn't the familiar fruity ,sweet flavour you were used to, but it sort of grew on you.You begin to savour every sip, you relish the burst of uncommon flavours in your mouth which you now find very compelling. Then, when you are almost half way through the glass, it suddenly disappears. Poof! just like that. After which you're served again with the cheap ones; some occasional good ones but none like the one you had then. And you have to decide which one you want for the rest of your life. Do you settle for one of the lesser wines - you know, select the one which tastes the best among them....Or, do you wait, hoping that someday the rest of that premium wine will be served again?

I'm an optimist,sorta. and to me, after all's said and done, that wine glass is still half full.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What Mother Goose never told you.

Thus was titled an article M and I wrote for the college mag in our second year. and i suddenly felt the urge to sorta save it in the blog lest i lose the mag.:). It's supposed to be well..humorous.

A long, long time ago, in Far,Far Away Land, at the foot of a very rocky hill, in a very small house, a girl named Jill crept very cautiously out the back door, ostensibly to fetch a pail of water but actually to keep her clandestine meeting with the love of her life(or so she thought), George Paddington Pylus III, affectionately called Georgy Porgy. Little did she know, she was being secretly followed by a boy named Jack, her one and only brother, who suspected she was upto no good.

As she climbed the hill, a chill wind blew and a shiver ran down her spine. She looked up and saw a huge white ghostly form floating on top of the well. Convincing herself she was imagining things, she kept climbing up.As she came nearer to the top, the white form turned out to be none other than the very large, almost spherical, extremely pompous Sir Humpty Dumpty, the closest Adviser to His Majesty the King, sitting on the wall of the well.

Jack, meanwhile, dove into the bushes, a vantage point from which he could conveniently observe both Sir Humpty Dumpty and his sister. He knew something wasn't right, but he couldn't bring himself to believe that Jill and the nobleman had something going on between say he didn't seem her type would be an understatement.

A sudden commotion at the foot of the hill made everyone look down. A man in court clothes was running up the hill as fast as he could, with what looked like all the King's horses and all the King's men in hot pursuit.On reaching the top, the man, in an act of desperation, jumped into the well, knocking Sir Humpty Dumpty clean off, who, owing to his sperical but fragile structure, started rolling down the hill and ended up breaking most of his limbs. The pursuers rushed to his aid, but in vain, for they couldn't put him together again.

Meanwhile, in another part of Far, Far Away Land, Little Miss Muffet, clad in a voluminous nightgown, was eating forbidden (for she was supposed to be on a diet) curds and whey on a particularly comfortable tuft of grass under a tree in the backyard of her house. Suddenly, she heard movement behind her which made her instinctively duck, just in time to avoid the casanova Georgy Porgy trying to grab her.

She hurriedly got to her feet and ran, yelling over her shoulder. " Oh no, you don't! You're not going to kiss me and make me cry like you did with all the other girls!"

Georgy, at first put off, ran in pursuit after her.

The two of them ran and ran until they came to the foot of the very same hill where so many fateful things were taking place that very night. They scrambled up ( Georgy by this time had completely frgotten about his rendezvous with Jill, of course), passing Sir Humpty surrounded by the king's guards, and stopped short when they saw Jill who looked surprised and suspicious at their appearance together.

Miss Muffet blushed furiously and Georgy shuffled his feet, suddenly remembering his prior appointment with Jill.

" Oh Georgy, you're here at last!" exclaimed Jill and then abruptly turned to Miss Muffet saying, " What are you doing here out at this time of the night?"

At which the young lady retorted," Speak for yourself. I was just sitting outside my house when...a large spider -" and here she threw a dirty look at Georgy "- sat down beside me and frightened me away."

Georgy interjected before Jill could ask anymore questions: "Ahem...yes, love..I am here."

" What??!!" exclaimed Miss Muffet " You guys are..I mean...Jill!! YOU!...and...GEORGY?? Do you have any idea___"

"__How dangerous this place is at this time of the night? Let's go someplace else Jill.." finished Georgy quickly looking pleadingly at Miss Muffet.

Before Muffet could reply , Georgy felt himself being forcefully grabbed at the collar by a pair of hands." You're not going anywhere, Mr. George Paddington. We have got to clear some things up, don't we?" said Jack, about to deliver a hard ounch on Georgy's nose. Jill tried to stop Jack by grabbing his hand while Georgy attempted to break free of Jack's grasp. While trying to fight off both, Jack tripped and fell down, pulling Jill along who came tumbling after him.

During this hallabaloo, nobody noticed a spiky-haired figure dart out from behind the bushes (different from the ones Jack had been hiding behind), grab a packet of something off the ground and run down the other side of the hill. This was the notorious trouble-making punk rocker and junkie, Johnny.

He was the reason Sir Humpty Dumpty ever came to the well in the first place, for the not-so-noble nobleman had a secret side business of selling brown sugar to the inhabitants of Far, Far Away Land and Johnny was his biggest customer. The two shady characters had arranged a rendezvous of their own at the well, obviously not predicting the cataclysmic events that would unfold there.

Johnny had watched the whole thing, from start to finish, especially the precious packet falling from Sir Humpty's hands, the only thought passing through his head being "Free Dope!". And now, seeing an opportunity he made away with the goods.

Though he entered his dark house as quietly as he could, a severe voice made him jump.
"Yes, papa?" replied Johnny resignedly. " Brown sugar again?" came the acid enquiry from his father, who emerged in a nightgown and cap. " No, papa", said Johnny, trying to sound nonchalent. " you can't fool me, liar" his father shot back.

" I'm not, Papa. Why don't you go back to sleep and leave alone for once, alright? Geez!" And without giving his father time to respond to this hardly satisfactory reply,he disappeared into his room, slamming the door.

The next morning, a lot of things came to light.Jill's secret affair with Georgy Porgy, Georgy Porgy's attempt at mishandling Miss Muffet, Sir Humpty Dumpty's dirty 'Business' and another very shocking revelation: the Queen was having an episode of infidelity with a knave (who was later fished out of the well by the King's men). The whole thing was hushed up of course, with the rather ridiculous explanation that he had stolen some tarts she'd baked or some such.

It was thus that Mother Goose ( the "wise" woman of the Land - that is the only one with any sense in the place) , to preserve the reputation of the inhabitants of Far, Far Away Land, came up with quite a few soppy rhymes twisting these events and putting them forward in a pretentiously innocent manner. She then proceeded to popularize them among children, thereby ensuring that nobody ever thought of questioning them. Until, one day, after Georgy Porgy's demise, someone stumbled upon his secret, secret diary(which he mainly used to write the names of the all the girls he kissed) where he had also recorded that fateful day's events vividly(albeit with spelling mistakes) and sold to the authors of this article.


Ok, fiiiine, i give it to you Oh Mighty Nature. Only you can render me speechless. Literally. Blasted sore throat.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Sometimes waiting is the most frustrating thing and being patient the hardest thing to do. But wait I must. with hope and faith and age-old dreams.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Woops..Wrong Number.

So i was in my first year and I had to call T for doing a group assignment in Mechanics. The God of All Things Mechanics (for us) was Irving Shames who wrote the heavy multipurpose (Buy two and Ta da! Exercise weights!) Mechanics Bible. I search for T in my mobile and ring her up.

Me: Hello? Oh hey! Where are you, T? Come fast with your Shames.

Sometime later, T gets a msg from her sis in Dubai.

T, you're soooo screwed. Who is this Shames? Mum's gonna kill you.

I had called her Dubai Home no.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

If you're bored...

check this guy's blog.also this girl's. They're brilliant.really.

Rant #1

* It's reallly reallly hot...ugghh, and sticky and humid. Im all the time.I walk to class and i feel like i've just crossed the Arabian Desert. My room feels like a sauna. The stuffy weather makes me feel drugged and sedated in class. like i needed any help there.

* All the bugs in the world seemed to have decided to live on the tree outside my room and use my room as a summer resort.

*I started twittering the day my exams started. I stopped twittering the day it got over.

* Everyday the kind chechis (and often M) deliver the newspaper to my room. I used to return the favour by giving it back to the chechis untouched for recycling. But I decided that enough is enough, and i gotta start reading the paper again. So, Neethi is now seen with her nose buried in the paper as she breakfasts and lunches. She ignores the rolling of eyes by other people in the mess.

*I found a new way to not fall asleep in class. (Attempt to) Make rhymes about all my batchmates.Here's a few..ahem..ahem:

I know a certain M,
She tops every sem,
But beneath her quiet smile,
there's much wit and wile.

I know a K,
who loves to play,
pranks on people everyday,
She says "I'm so pretty,
So smart and so witty",
It's just such a shame,
Others don't think the same.

I know a P,
whose fond of the sea,
It gives her great kicks,
To take many pics.

Planning to make for my entire floormates and a few others. Plenty of boring classes to spare.:)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ragam '09 and all that jazz- Part 1

Ragam '09 was as promised bigger, better and all that, inspite of the Salsa Workshop getting canceled coz of some silly prank by some of the students( they put up a notice stating they are the Shiv Sena and if we're going to have a salsa workshop, we're all gonna be in 'Big Trouble'. The Director and faculty took it pretty seriously). Goes on to prove my theory(Chennai Chronicles 2, pt 9) about the curse.

So here's like a Ragam '09 in a Nutshell (albeit a big one, considering it's me who's making it) :

For starters all the proshows were awesome. Packed crowds, no glitches, security was pretty good and was very well-organized. Everyone danced their heart out and there were no incidents as far as I know.

I had heard Shanker Mahadevan was a great 'performer' and 'knew how to entertain the crowd' but never quite got what that meant. I mean, I knew that not all singers were good Live on stage, they don't quite have Ze Charisma and all that, but wasn't until Shanker M performed that I fully grasped what it implied.And I found myself telling people after the show 'Shanker M , yeah, he really knows how to entertain the crowd.',lol.

Benny Dayal although proving to have a slightly eccentric wardrobe(a checked pyjama with a shirt , a tie and pullover. no kidding. and yeah, with every song,he kept changing his headgear...which ranged from skull caps to rainbow coloured hats.)packed in quite a few songs in 2 hours time.Was great fun.

Breathe Floyd was super cool too. And especially enjoyed it coz...umm..well, I kinda have never attended a Rock show before. Yeah, well, in my defense, I do not like heavy metal/metal rock and most of the bands which played during the past ragams belonged to that category. Of course, I do enjoy the occasional growling when I'm in one of those moods(which frankly are quite rare), but listening to over two hours of metal, growling and screaming - not my idea of a good time.

Anyhoo, a tribute Pink Floyd band, was something i was willing to try. I haven't listened to too many but the ones I have, me likey.So off I went. and am sooo glad I did. The sound system, more than anything else, floored me.Was like I had my headphones on. And from as far as I could make out it was pretty much Pink Floyd ( and if u want a more expert opinion, bro, who had come down for this show, said most of them save for 2 sounded like the original). The stage lights were awesome too..all bathed in pink light (the lighting guy sure had a sense of humour ).

The guys were actually pretty old, all in their 4o's. Could just picture them in their backyards in their bermudas mowing the lawn, humming a happy tune. :). But man, they sure can play and sing. Must have ben quite a challenge for them to sing in the hot, sultry weather. Poor guys kept drinking bottle after bottle of water and wiping their faces with a towel every now and then.

Liked the decorations along the Rajpath, was simple and somehow interesting.

Hated the monstrosity they made in the Centre Circle, although at night it wasn't so bad.

They were two informal stages this time: The English ('Who needs Idols?') and the Malayalam (' Echusmi edhu collegilla?') which were pretty good. As in the mal one was in the Rajpath and the other a bit further off, so they were more things happening at different places;kinda helped the crowd wander about a bit.

Was even a 'Carnival' Stall this time, like a mini game arcade ( mini golf, darts etc). was new for this ragam, so it had only a few games, but were good fun and did attract the crowds (and from what i heard raked in quite a lot of cash too.) They had the comp flash game called 'helicopter', u know the one where it's all green and black and you have to guide the helicopter dodging all the obstacles and go the max distance. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why I suck at it. I mean, it's just moving your mouse up and down to move that silly helicopter but no matter how early i move the helicopter up when there's an obstacle down, it never goes up in time and manages to crash right into the rock thingy. I once made it to 1000 mts(?) but that's after, I don't know, such intense concentration, it'll put any yoga practioner to shame. Must say something about the state of my limbic system and the prefrontal lobe (things which i didn't know existed in my brain till I read(partly) 'Emotional Intelligence'. got bored one day, went to the bookshop and bought it. Don't ask me. i have no clue either why i thought reading 'emotional intelligence' could alleviate my boredom then.)

And oooh, the food ensemble was definitely better than last time. Cafe Coffee Day, Subway, a My Roll Junction along with the usual Broast, Oasis etc. I had sooo many Cool Blues, that my tongue was perpetually blue during those three days. I never had it from ccd before coz usually it's quite cold inside already, so i end up with a nice Hot choco-latte accompanied by of course, Ze Chocolate Fantasy or the Chicken Tikka Sandwich. But the heat was so bad that the thought of anything hot was enough to get one sunburned. Oh yeah, and there was Baskin Robbins too. All of which were great hits in the hot and humid Calicut weather.

Ok,This post has gotten way too long and I'm feeling way too lazy now:). Ill leave the rest for the next post. Toodles.

Photos Courtesy Bharath N.A and Vineet Sam John

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Day After Ragam

According to Neethorian Calendar, The day after Ragam* is Cleaning Day. Akin to the day after Christmas being known as Boxing Day (which is so called because of this and not because it's the day when you put all the xmas decorations back into their boxes and pack them away for the next year, as yours truly had previously thought and coined the term Cleaning Day. See how blogging(and reading other ppl's blog) helps you increase your knowledge of the world and all that?). Its origin dates back to the time when Neethi was in her first year and was in the Ragam dance team. The practice sessions which usually start around 3 weeks prior to Ragam extends upto midnight everyday (and during the last few days even 2 a.m) as a result of which Neethi could hardly make it to her room after it (she often used to be able to only make it to the third floor, first room(her room was the third), and flop onto the bed perpendicular to the actual sleeping position. The inmates were usually kind enough to turn her around and wake her up in time for a bath in the morning before college.),let alone worry about how clean it is.Of course, she used to (very)occasionally dust it and all to make sure it was fit for human inhabitation, but could not afford a full fledged cleaning. Come Second year, history repeated itself, save for the reason for being unable to clean being that she was part of PC (Program Committee) for Ragam. And Third and fourth year, it was Drama direction.So the day after Ragam always saw Neethi with a broom in her hand, dettol-ed water in her bucket, clothes being folded neatly and kept back in the shelves etc. Whence was born Cleaning Day. And this year, I broke the sacred tradition. got up mid-morning,went out with friends for lunch, came back late and started blogging. Ah well, there's always tomorrow. was time for a new tradition anyway. and for a new post. A ragam '09 post is also under construction. will be putting it up in a day or two.See,I'm a good girl, I am,lol. :D.

*NITC's Cult Fest

Friday, March 20, 2009


Yesterday was one of the most stressful days ever. To top it all, one of the guys in the drama team chose that exact day to play a prank (with supposedly genuine intentions to lighten my mood). Our main actor got chicken pox, and with just one week to go for the competition, we had to find a substitute or scrap the drama. I was going for the latter coz there's really no point putting up something which is going to flop on stage, but the juniors were so enthu about the whole thing, and they said they'll call up people to come and audition (and they did). So in the middle of all this, i was about to sit down, when the aforementioned guy pulled the chair out from under me.I was pretty preoccupied hence all the reflex actions,subconscious thought processing and other products of human brain evolution were on standby mode. So i just kept going lower and attempted to sit. and of course, i fell. And it hurt. soooo badly. it definitely hit a bone. and the pain kept getting worse. i was past anger at that point, so i just glowered at him and he kept a safe distance from me for the rest of the evening. I got more irritable. esp when i realised i can't climb up and down stairs without getting sharp jolts of pain (Although i finally figured standing on your toes while climbing reduces the pain.).Anyway, finally we did get a substitute, who was actually better than the original guy. So we're going to have the drama after all.After getting back, I discovered that that tiny part of the ass, completely unnoticed by me before, actually plays a big role in human movement (sigh). Like sleeping. I have to lie on my stomach. and turning to the other side, is a three-step process. and sitting down.I can only sit down on chairs with arm rests, coz i need to hold onto them. same goes for standing up.and sigh, Bathing. So much for wanting to Workout this weekend (we got a new gym in the ladies hostel. pretty cool stuff. wanted to workout while the equipments are all brand new - when it's still The Treadmill and not oh,a treadmill ).Today morning,pain's slightly better and im hoping it'll go away by monday. Never thought it'd turn out to be such a pain in the ass.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sun(through the clouds), (lots of) Sand and Sea.

You know, how some people get really, really excited about a trip to the beach? 'All that sun and sand! Sooo much fun!' they say. Well, yeah, yours truly - Not one of them. I'd go ' Uggh..All that Sun and (shudder) Sand! Sooo not fun!'. But not today. A few of us classmates, decided to go to Kappad beach. We've been talking like forever about going for a trip, but never got around to it. Today being a pseudo-holiday for some of us in the branch, coz our exams finished earlier, we decided to just impulsively go somewhere. Not only was the trip fun, but i feel oddly calm after coming back. Like All warm and fuzzy.I'm actually smiling to myself occasionally too (am soo glad i have a single room now.:)) The weather's beautiful. Moon, wind, rain and all that jazz. Perfect weather to do the whole drink a mug of hot chocolate, curl up and read a book or listen to music thing. Which is what i did, although had to make do with Nescafe strong 3-in-1 coffee satchet instead of the hot chocolate. And all that new-found sense of contentment has made me patient enough to write this post too.

We decided to leave at sharp 11:45 am, go to Zain's ( a restaurant with awesome biryanis) for lunch, then to kapad. So at sharp 1:00 pm the guys arrived at the bus stop, armed with a perfectly valid excuse for being late .That they were "searching" for a volley-ball. I mean,im sure it's not downright impossible that one day all the volley balls in college decide to disappear together (perhaps to a parallel universe even, while we're at the not-impossible things that could happen.). Anyways, after a sumptuous meal at Zain's, we headed to the beach. There i was, on the beach, all jeans rolled up to the knee , trying carefully not to get the rest of me wet when a big wave decided to do me a favour and almost swept me off. Now that i had became fully wet anyway, the rest of the day was a lot less bothersome. We then played football (or some crude version of it.). Was fun, even though the probability of me being picked again by any team next time is kinda close to zero. I'm ,well, not all that good at it. (My team mates kept saying stuff like 'You do realize that the point of the game is to block the other team not your own, rite?' and ' I'm in your same team!' :)). The best part was, after a while, it looked like it was going to rain. The sky got all dark and gloomy. But it didn't rain. It rained in college. and At my friend's place (in calicut itself). But not in kappad. Like as if the Raingodguy, after it was done 'Let there be rain'-ing the other places, turned to kapaad, brought out all the dark clouds and then got bored midway or went to attend a phone call or something. The result of which was that the weather was just Perr-fect. :). If you looked towards the horizon,the landscape was brilliantly divided : A bright white strip of sky sandwiched in between the omnious dark clouds and the grey sea. Plus, one of us had an awesome Sony camera ( ok,9 mp is all the tech info i can give you. and no,i don't know the model number.can never remember them and just can't get how some ppl go 'oh u mean the 1524? its whatchammacalit is good but 123XY5E got way better whatsitsname. but the AC675-XE, now that's got...' .) .You know the sort of camera, which no matter how drab a pic you take, just comes out Wow. ( My 2 mp mob cam on the other hand, manages to make even a dazzling display of fireworks into a weird abstract blob.) So of course, there were a lot of Wonders of Nature Pics and Posed Pics ( Dil Chahta Hai Pose, the Let's all look Serious Pose,Heads In a Circle Pose and of course the most common the Single Photo turned Everyone scrambling in to be in It Pose). Someone kicked the ball a lil far off into the water while playing and while everyone was debating on who should swim to get it, the ball, tired of being kicked around, kept going further away. Unfortunately (for the ball), it was caught before it could make its escape. Then everyone just bobbed up and down in the water,catching the waves for a while. Of course, most of us kept getting swept away, often bouncing backward on and off the ground( ouch, not too gently). After everyone had swallowed enough salt water and ugghh..a bit of sand ( well, yeah, some of us sorta had a sand throwing fight) it was 6:00 and time for us girls to get back (yup, the NITC LH is one of the hostels which still has a 7pm curfew) and one of them gave us a ride back. The return journey was well, besides being a race to get back to the hostel by 7, cold. Had rolled down the windows and the fact that we were all soaked to the bone didn't help.Anyways, reached hostel in record time : at 7:05 pm, had a nice bath and then's when the feeling of calm came over. After which i went on to the whole mug of coffee thing and the rest of the first para.

There, my second day of consistent blogging. Tiny pat on back to self. Weather's still nice, btw. Still all Warm and fuzzy :).

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Baaaack!

Yup, done away with sessionals. Can finally push that away as an excuse not to blog.Thing is, I get all these fantastic ideas just when i get down to studying.Actually, more than ideas , i come up with these cleverly-phrased sentences (which i mostly forget when i actually get down to writing the post so don't go all one-eyebrow raised and 'Cleverly-phrased? didn't see 'em anywhere.' and all.) It's like my brain, normally lazy and content with generating random, not particularly clever thoughts(not to mention highly repetitive, like on a recursive loop. 'Makes my job easier. smart,huh?' quips brain.), suddenly faced with it's owner's attempts to actually make it work by Gasp! Studying tries to fight back the only way it could think of : Generating a lightning-quick succession of some awesome sentences all tumbling one after the other, while the dazed owner tries to take it all in. This distracts her for a while, and the brain, relieved(and quite smug), returns to it's comfortable RTG (Random/Repetitive Thought Generation) process. Buuut, you say, surely, generating such a quick succession of sentences, must require the brain to work (esp since they gotta be all awesome and stuff too) which umm..kinda u know, defeats the whole purpose? Aaah, You and I would.Not my brain.See, If you actually manage to study,it goes on to explain, I've got to work continuously and for quite long periods of time, while in the above-mentioned case, I just need to work a few microseconds, generate a few sentences and then repeat this process every couple of hours or so, (have put that on a recursive loop too. Highly efficient, i tell you, though it's applicable only to the Cause of Work Avoidance.) when i detect the owner's eye moving back to them blasted textbooks. And come post-sessionals, no longer faced with such a crisis,I switch off the Creativity button (to conserve more energy of course).
and What's the point of this post? I'm not quite sure myself.A simple 'I'm back.shall be posting more soon.' was all i had in mind. Ah, well, I was never known for my brevity anyway.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Note To Self

I just thought of at least five different topics/stuff i could blog about. Must write them after sessionals. There. Now i have to blog them 'cause It Is Written.
My apologies to all ( howsoever imaginary) who got an RSS feed about this post.I shall (try to) make it up to you. Promise.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chennai Chronicles- Part 2

This post is especially for Anna. She claimed that bloggers ( and I'm using the word quite loosely to include me in it) who usually bravely publish a Part 1 never write the next part. Ha. So there. This is Part TWO . In all fairness though, if she hadn't challenged me I probably wouldn't have written this post. :)

So, where was I? yes, the magical watch.

6. After that , the gang headed to the Marina Beach, and as they were walking back, they saw a Merry-go-round. Most of them ,like excited li'l 6-year olds, wanted to ride it. Most of them, unlike excited li'l 6-year olds, weren't ready to pay Rs.10 per person to get on it. After quite a bit of bargaining, they managed to wear the poor man down, and got it down to 50 for 7 of them or something. The disgruntled, grumpy man brought a few of them stools to get on the horses and then started the thing. Was huge fun, all yelling their hearts out and all. Only soon, it wasn't so much fun. It started going faster and faster. Uncomfortably fast.N starting feeling slightly faint and had to hold on to the nearby horse to keep herself steady. And pretty soon, it got so fast that she started yelling to stop it. and so did a lot of others.But it kept spinning. It finally came to a stop. All of them got out, some looking quite green in the face (some did get sick later in the night). The man, N noticed, didn't look so disgruntled any more. N suspected foul play. She was (and still is) sure that the man was just getting back at them ( or he may have just wanted them to have a little excitement and thought they could handle the speed. but the other sounds more interesting, so let's just agree with N, shall we?)

7. They went on different autos to City Centre after that, and N and a few others popped into the washroom. And as she was leaving, a girl who looked very familiar entered. She just couldn't place her though, and not wanting to be called rude, was about to say hi ( hoping to figure the name out as the convo proceeded, as she sometimes does) when she stopped herself. She had suddenly remembered where she had seen her. but just couldn't believe it. She had seen her, on several occasions - On Orkut. On her friend's friend list and in photo albums. Obviously, she was completely unaware of N's existence.

8. It was late , City Centre was closing for the day and after they switched like almost all the lights off, the gang decided it was time to leave. Everyone was in high spirits after a good meal from KFC, and was laughing and talking loudly. And while it was nice singing songs and stuff in the middle of the road which was pretty empty by then, it also meant most buses had stopped running. But that didn't stop them from doing all the aforementioned.So they heartily(well, most anyway) decided to walk to the local train station. which had also shut down for the day. After a few more spontaneous songs , some why don't we spent the night here then! Yes, Let's ! Woohoo!'s and some Oooh, let's walk back to IITM! Yes, Let's! Woohoo! 's later, they started walking again until they met a couple of policemen, who suggested they take autos.Finally,all of them squeezed into two super-huge autos and made it back to iitm.

9. N got to attend the salsa/jive workshop! ( To the uninitiated: The Gods of Thoushaltnotlearnsalsa had cast a terrible curse on N, preventing her from ever attending a salsa workshop however much her heart yearned for it. The scheming gods went so far as to get the salsa workshop for Ragam '08 canceled and extended the duration of the Lindy Hop Swing classes back home to a month just when her winter vacation was cut short to less than 3 weeks. Aye, The Fates play such cruel games.) Anyways, 'twas quite fun, although she did find the whole dancing salsa in a circle quite strange and funny.

10. N fell off the local train, as mentioned before. It was time to leave. One by one, they clambered on to the train to reach Chennai Central Station. When just M, N and S were left to get on, the train started moving. M managed to get on, but as N was attempting to do so, the train picked up more speed and she couldn't hold onto the pole. She remembers hitting something and falling flat on the platform and thinking ' Now S and I will have to come in the next train' while hearing a bloodcurdling scream by M and a tall, lean figure which looked like P jumping off the train onto the platform. And sometime during this incident, S pulled N away from the train. Someone, hearing M's scream pulled the chain and the train came to a stop. Apparently, from where M and P were standing, it looked like N was disappearing into the gap between the train and the platform, although there was really no such gap, because the local train sorta bulges outwards. which explains their action-movie style responses.Once everyone got back on the train, there was lot of sympathetic ruffling of N's hair. Some It's alright,k? Are you okay? Sit down for a while's and a lot of looking at N and shaking of the head's. S after a while, began to demonstrate the entire sequence of events to those who weren't present, though P didn't seem too amused at the idea. P and S still occasionally throws in ' I jumped off a moving train to save you.' and ' I saved your life!'. Note to S and P: See now, unless there's some internet recession, and they delete the Least Read Blogs or something, your acts of heroism are recorded in the WWWeb for posterity. You're Welcome. :)

11. S was mistaken again.for a beggar this time. By one of the our own (nitcians). Before you start wondering about his clothes ( and before he tries to hunt me down), the reason for the misunderstanding was his..ahem...flute playing abilty. Basically, he and M were trying on different tunes on the Rs.10 flute someone purchased on the train journey back. As S was playing , S ( Another Guy.Hmm..Strangely,Gossip girl never had the Two-people-with-the-same-initial issue.) who was in another compartment stuck his head in.
'Oh, it was you! We kept waiting for a beggar playing the flute to come and ask for money. was wondering why he was taking so long to reach.' On the upside, the real beggars do play the flute well.

12. This is an All-things-Animal point. There were deer in iitm. And a whole clan of monkeys well-adapted to their habitat. These wonder monkeys know how to eat from unopened chips packets, shamelessly enter the bathrooms in the Ladies hostels to raid the garbage bins and a few of the gang even spotted a monkey making a hole in an unopened coke bottle and coolly drinking it afterwards.The hostel the girls stayed in had a mascot dog with a blue collar who was always sleeping all stretched out in front of it ( until it seemingly couldn't stand M's repeated, almost envious 'This dog is always sleeping! Doesn't it ever wake up?' anymore and moved to the nearby hostel on the last day).

It's 'That's all, folks!' then from me for now. Whew! Thanks again Anna.:)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chennai Chronicles - Part 1

WARNING: This post , as well as the previous two, are part of my WUPs ( Warm-Up Posts) to get me to start blogging consistently, which in turn is part of my NLP (Neethi learns to be patient) Program, so my apologies for the possibly ill-attempted humour , lack of originality, creativity etc.

So, we went for Saarang (IIT Madras Cult Fest) as part of the whole we-are-final-years-we-are-gonna-have-some-fun idea(my friend and I also had a secret agenda which cannot be disclosed here for obvious reasons. Suppose the whole 3 people who read my blog came to know about it?). Anyways, so here are some of the interesting (to me) stuff which happened while in Chennai (in chronological order) :

  1. On the train: S was mistaken for the ticket collector. S was well, in his words, conned, into taking care of the ticket-booking and stuff and also ended up paying for half the tickets so basically, on the train, he was walking around with a long sheet of paper with everyone's (we were 40 odd people) seat numbers which he carried on a rectangular 2 fold pad-like thingy (whose one hinge I managed to break when I fell off a train, but more about that later). S then had to sit down to settle a li'l tiff with a family with three kids claiming( the dad, not the kids) that these were their seats. After that was resolved, S was still poring over the paper intently when this appoopan( old man) in the corner, who was looking all the while at S, takes out his ticket hesitantly and shows it to S. I can't for the life of me remember how S reacted to that ( or whether he noticed it at all ) but N(yup, that's how I'm going to call myself. been watching way too much Gossip Girl these days, sigh) and a few other alphabets had a good laugh over it.

  1. On the 'local' train: A few wanted to have an Alaipayuthe experience ( the tamil movie with madhavan and shalini where he first sees her on a local train moving in the opposite direction as his) and hence decided to take one to iitm. We clambered onto it and grabbed on those hanging handles ( You know ones that remind you of those miniature adventure sports zones in the park where you had many of them in a row. You climb up , grab one of them and swing from one to the next till you reach the other end(not that I was ever able to make it that far). I'd be (and so would the others reading this) really grateful if someone could tell me what they are officially called.) M and N wanted to do some sight-seeing so they grabbed the ones near the exit. After a while, a man standing next to them ( a darkish man with 3 strips of chandan across his forehead with a red mark at the centre) started pointing out places and buildings for us. They nodded politely and tried to follow his hands. That's quite nice of him. Then N noticed another guy (younger, dressed in a loose t-shirt and jeans) across him rolling his eyes from time to time. Guy 1 got off the train after a while after which Guy 2 took a step forward. Woah there, have people here taken it upon themselves to show new people around or something ? ' Excuse me, but just thought ill let you know. That guy had no idea what he was saying. I'm afraid he was randomly pointing at prominent buildings and blurting out random names.'

  1. So M and N were the unfortunate ones who couldn't get tickets to the Sonu Nigam Show. While they were dejected ( M not so much. N reportedly made quite 'ridiculous' noises and faces whenever SN's voice reached her ears as they wandered about outside the Open Air Theatre ) , they did get to see Monty Python sketches play put up by evam ( a chennai-based theatre group) , generally had a good time just hanging about and got to spend the night at Nut's ( a colg friend in chennai who took pity on us; one letter alphabets are strictly for the group that came along with us, others will be referred to by nicknames or anything else I feel like using to describe them..Muhahaha). They went yeaarly morning to Besant Nagar beach which was pretty cool. Most of the residents had apparently all risen and shone and were playing badminton, jogging or walking along the beach. After that, they had the most amazing melt-in-the-mouth milk pedas and badam kathali from Grand Sweets which Nut said was the best sweet shop in Chennai ( N could smell the ghee from the end of the street. No kidding.)

  1. Jam prelims were fun . After which the group decided to explore Chennai, starting with Adayar Film City which according to A, was right around the corner. After walking for like forever ( the sidewalk was nice though. Neat and a nice row of trees planted along the way with a rail separating the road in places, some interesting mosaic artwork along the walls ) and posing every 30 seconds for a pic , they finally reached around the aforementioned corner to find out that Adayar Film City was closed. For almost a year now. They did meet an interesting off-his-rocker beggar who generously posed for the camera unasked with the rest of them , cursed almost everyone that went by and left his scraps and bottles to be run over by a car. As they were walking back , someone turned around to take one last pic of our beggar when he saw him trying to stop a scooter on the main road. As everyone turned to look , the man (middle-aged, in formal work clothes) stopped the scooter, got down, took a fallen twig ( quite long) , plucked off the leaves and began chasing the beggar managing to hit him often. Which needless to say, left everyone shocked.

  1. M, S , P and N were arguing over whether the floor was marble or white granite at the M.G.R Memorial at Marina Beach when P saw a couple of people pressing their ear against the top of a tomb. Curious P followed suit. She heard a soft tapping noise and it took her few seconds to realize that a couple of local guys were tapping on the tomb to fool her. P quickly decided to try the trick on M, N and S. While they were arguing (yeah, they tend to do that a lot) with P whether they really fell for it or not, a couple of others from the crowd who were standing nearby went to the tomb, pressed their ear against it , began tapping on it with their fingers and stood there for sometime as if waiting to hear something back! M, N,P and S were elated !They just managed to start a new tradition ! But the Mystery of the Pressing-ear-sans-knocking still remained. They then reached the tomb of MGR himself where they found people performing the same ritual. N mustered up the courage to ask some of the locals, but all she could pick out from what they said was 'Motor. Sound' which led them nowhere (save for a few wisecracks from S). Now others may give up and decide to leave matters unsolved but not our M, N, S and P. 'Twas hard but they finally uncovered the reason - MGR's watch. It was believed to be still umm..ticking and if one strained one's ears enough one might be fortunate enough to hear it. MGR died in 1987.Wonder what make the watch was.

To be continued….:)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Go play with someone your own size!

Life has got to be kidding me. Everything and i mean, everything in life seems to be playing hard to get. not people though. Things. that i want. It's like this. You know the whole carrot on a stick thing. Imagine Life's the guy (or girl) holding it. and I'm the girl trying to grab the carrot bobbing up and down in front of me, always just out of my reach ( it doesn't help that I'm 5 feet 1 and a half inches.). And just when I reach the point I say 'know what? whatever. You can keep the carrot. I'm going to have this delicious scrunch..scrunch...gulp spinach instead.' Lo and behold! a carrot's lowered and lands right on my lap. Since most of the time, the carrot I get in the end is plumper and juicier than the one i was chasing , I let Life off the hook and don't complain much. But every once in a while, i really wish i could get the carrot right in the beginning itself , u know, and on a silver platter and stuff. It'd be nice.and while you're at it Life , make that a nice slice of chocolate fantasy instead (of the carrot).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Pink Chaddi Revolution Thingy

I support it. I may or may not go to a pub but I sure as hell don't want anyone else to make that decision for me. and definitely not in such a crass and crude manner.