Of Wines and Hope.
It's like this.Imagine you have been drinking cheap wines all your life, some better than others but none anything great. Then, one fine morning, life surprises you with this fantastic wine, this deep, red, rich wine. You didn't like the taste at first as it wasn't the familiar fruity ,sweet flavour you were used to, but it sort of grew on you.You begin to savour every sip, you relish the burst of uncommon flavours in your mouth which you now find very compelling. Then, when you are almost half way through the glass, it suddenly disappears. Poof! just like that. After which you're served again with the cheap ones; some occasional good ones but none like the one you had then. And you have to decide which one you want for the rest of your life. Do you settle for one of the lesser wines - you know, select the one which tastes the best among them....Or, do you wait, hoping that someday the rest of that premium wine will be served again?
I'm an optimist,sorta. and to me, after all's said and done, that wine glass is still half full.
but hopefully you are not full drunk!! :-)
hmm...nice thought!but what were you referring to?:O
Hm... so I am a teetotaler and find all this amusing. I thought that wines were rated on the basis of how many punches it incites you to land on the dorky teetotaler who happened to pass by your room, when you were making merry.
As for the glass being full (or not), as far as I can remember, all my assailants in college, as some other clever chap put it, were happy that they had a glass at all... even half 'cutting', from a 'shaaap'.
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